Note from Pastor Paul

I have been given the privilege to go on a “Pastor’s Education Mission Trip” with CBM to Cuba from May 23rd to June 1. Along with other pastors, I will connect with the leaders of a group of 41 churches - the Fraternity of Baptist Churches of Cuba. I have been asked to give a sermon on Sunday, May 31, and to present a talk on ethical guidelines for pastors. We will also be visiting a bible camp, the Evangelical Theological Seminary, and will be in discussion with students and pastors in Cuba.

Thank you to those who have given financial help to make the trip possible. Thank you for your prayers for safety, health and a ministry of gracious encouragement to our brothers and sisters in Cuba.

While I’m away, Scott Simpson, the Western CBM representative, will be speaking Sun May 24th. The following Sunday, May 31st, Evie Hammond will bring the message. Please remember them in prayer as they prepare and present the message.