Holy Week Celebrations

Maundy Thursday, join us for a Passover supper, like the one that Jesus celebrated with His disciples on a Thursday so long ago. This family celebration starts at 6:30 pm. Please RSVP to the church office.

Good Friday, we unite together with the other Canadian Baptist churches in our city, to remember the death and sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  All are welcome at First Baptist Church at 11 am.

Then, Easter Sunday celebrations! We join together with Iglesia Emanuel for a truly international joint celebration of Christ's resurrection.  We are also celebrating believer's baptism on that day. What a joyous occasion! Rumor has it there might be hot cross buns and butterfly cookies, too.

Our Easter offering this year is a joint partnership with High River Baptist Church and the Canadian Food Grains Bank (CFGB). Some of the farmers in High River have donated significant acres of land to be farmed, and the proceeds of the crop sales from that land will go to the CFGB. We can help by providing funds for seed and fertilizer.  The grain sale funds are eligible for CIDA funding and so are matched 4:1 before being sent to the countries in need.  Please pray about how God would have you help. 

We are an Easter people!

And We Worship the Living Lord!