Celebration Sunday -- September 12, 2021

Back to the Future Celebration at Altadore! 


Sunday, September 12, 10 am

Short Service, Games and Visiting and BYO Picnic Lunch

Be prepared to join in the fun (either as participants or to cheer/laugh) as we celebrate being together as a church family again.  Beverages (juice, water, tea and coffee!!) and dessert will be provided but please bring your own picnic including blankets/chairs.

Every Child Matters 2021

Our hearts are broken by the recent discovery of the bodies of 215 children at the Kamloops Residential School. We stand in solidarity with our Indigenous Neighbours and we pray for you in your grief. May God truly comfort you. We also ask our governments for a complete forensic investigation at the site of every former residential school. Every Child Matters! Justice for all.   

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REDress Project

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“To remedy or set right an unjust or unfair situation”

For years and at astonishing rates, Indigenous women in Canada and the United States have gone missing or been murdered. The REDdress project seeks to set right the epidemic of violence that has been experienced by Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW). There is a renewed effort to account for the disappearances and prevent future tragedies. This red dress you see on our tree is part of an art installation in response to the critical national issue of MMIW throughout the continent. Red dresses are being hung in public spaces as a reminder of how many Indigenous Women are no longer with us as a result of the violence. The Canadian metis artist, Jaime Black, explained that red is the only colour that spirits can see. She said that the colour is a “calling back of the spirits of these women”. By taking part in the REDress Project, we spread awareness about MMIW and actively involve ourselves in reconciliation.

We, at Altadore Church, continue to work and pray as we stand for justice for all people, everywhere.

Holy Week Services (UPDATE)

In-person services are still suspended until further notice, but we will be having services during Holy Week.

  • Maundy Thursday (April 1) at 7pm

  • Good Friday (April 2) at 10am

  • Easter Sunday (April 4) at 9:30am & 11:30am

All are welcome, but please register if you are planning to attend, by phoning (403) 243-4304 or emailing the office: office@altadorechurch.com

***UPDATE: The 11:30am IN-PERSON service is now full, but there is still room in the 9:30am service***

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Building is still closed, but we are still here!

Sadly, our church building is closed for another couple weeks, BUT I want to remind us all that the church, the people of God, is still alive and well. I know that January is a tough month for many, as the effects of short days and long nights, post-Christmas blues etc. settle in. So let's be intentional. Let's work extra hard to pray for each other, share with each other ie. TALK!, and care for each other. We can and will get through this.

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