Vision Statement

Deeper Higher Further

The people of Altadore Church are eager for a more authentic expression of Christian faith:

  • Deeper in our relationship with God

  • Higher in the expression of our love for God

  • Further in our service to all of God’s creation

People will know Altadore Church as a family of believers who are mature in thought and deed, who reach up to God and who reach out to all — a living beacon of God’s love for the world.

Ministry Focus Areas


  • Biblically based education and study for all ages that leads to spiritual maturity and obedience

  • Personal and corporate prayer that leads to a fuller experience of God


  • Meaningful, energized and creative worship opportunities that embrace the richness of worship practices, both historical and present

  • Recognition and celebration of God’s work in and through us


  • Intentional outreach in the name of Christ in both word and deed, locally and globally

  • Discovery, affirmation and effective use of our spiritual gifts and God given talents for ministry

  • Meaningful relationships in and through community with special attention to integrating all people into our church family and ministries