Level Up Youth Initiative

We have a fun and exciting School program each Sunday for our kids, and it is time for the few kids we have in the over 12 age group to Level Up to new challenges, responsibilities and service opportunities!  We are initiating a three part plan this fall:

1.     Study: We are looking for an adult to teach a 3-4 week Sunday Morning Study (during the service) starting mid-September.  We would like to do this 3 times throughout the year (Jan and April).

2.     Service:  Encouragement and opportunity will be given so they can develop skills to serve here in their church and in the wider community.  We want to provide them with occasional specific duties which may include participating in worship through music or drama, helping out with the facility, volunteering in Sunday School, Nursery or Ushering, and Outreach Programs.  Of course, we are excited to hear where they would like to help, but we would also love suggestions from the church family if you have a place where a youth’s help would be welcome. 

3.     Social:  Last, but certainly not least, we want to give this little group the opportunity to enjoy monthly fun activities where they can get to know each other and their church family better.  We are looking for volunteers to host the youth on the following dates:  Oct 2, Nov 6, Dec 4,  Jan 15, Feb 12, Mar 4, Apr 1, May 6.  As host, you pick what to do – some suggestions are a movie night, a games night, skating, Laser Tag, a craft night, baking night, video game challenge, a musical jam session.  Again, because the numbers are small, it seems best to have the kids go to people’s homes (or a fun venue) – cozier and hopefully easier for the volunteers.

If you can help, have suggestions, or just want to offer some encouragement please give me a call or an email! 

Lara Peters               lcpeters@ymail.com              403-249-6766