A Note from the Leadership Core

God Dreams for Altadore Baptist Church - As we look to the future of ABC’s place in God’s ministry, the Leadership Core is putting together a ‘Dream Team’ to work with Pastor Judy & the outside research consultant approved by the membership last October. Major focus of this research will be on serving new Canadians (refugees, immigrants) and First Nation neighbours. Applications have been received for the contracted position and we are pleased that the Mount Royal College faculty has decided that our position qualifies as course credit for students in the Policy Studies program. We expect to hire later in April.

Worship Service Support - As noted at the Business Meeting on March 4th, Richard C has been hired to musically support Sunday morning services for up to 3 Sundays per month and Phil D has been hired to musically and/or vocally lead Sunday worship services for 2 Sundays per month. Pastor Judy will serve as the Sunday worship service coordinator. We are blessed with many individuals in the congregation who have various gifts to participate in our worship services.

Facilities Update - Work has been done around the church such as repairing one of the furnaces in the sanctuary, installing shelving in the new storage room, replacing expired fire extinguishers and testing emergency lights, and installing weather stripping around the exterior doors. Note that recently one our renters experienced some theft from the lobby while they were elsewhere in the building; we remind everyone not to leave personal belongings or keys unattended in the lobby or kitchen during the service.